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Teeth Whitening

Everyone dreams of achieving that glowing, white, and perfectly straight smile. Even with straight, perfect teeth, stains can prevent you from reaching the picture-perfect look you desire.

While there are various methods to whiten your teeth, not all are equally effective. Over-the-counter solutions may offer some improvement, but our Colgate Optic White Professional Whitening service provides real, visible results in just a single appointment.

Professional Grade

When you buy teeth whitening solutions or gels at the drugstore, they may provide some level of effectiveness, but they often fall short of removing tough, deep stains. Our Colgate Optic White Professional Whitening service offers a superior solution without the hassle of gingival barriers, messy gels, or custom trays.

Stubborn stains from foods like tomato soup, red wine, and other culprits can be difficult to eliminate with over-the-counter products. Our professional-grade treatment effectively removes these stains without causing sensitivity or damaging your teeth.

Additionally, our advanced whitening solution targets stains caused by non-food-related factors like alcohol, smoking, medication, and even certain diseases. With our Colgate Optic White Professional Whitening service, you can achieve a brighter, cleaner smile that truly shines.

Knowledgeable Staff

When you visit our office for teeth whitening, you can trust that the application will be done correctly. Our trained staff ensures you achieve quick, natural-looking results without irritating your gums.

Using a teeth whitening solution can have cosmetic advantages. It can be completely safe and harmless if done correctly, but if done incorrectly, ingested, or placed on your gums, can cause adverse side effects.

Whitening your teeth in our office ensures that your teeth are well-protected and that you won't experience any sensitivity.

Limited Sensitivity

We have all heard horror stories about people whitening their teeth and never being able to eat ice cream or drink hot coffee again because of their increased tooth sensitivity. Because professionals perform our teeth whitening service, we can cater the length of appointment and amount of stain lifting for every individual.

Before starting your appointment, ask our team how you can prevent sensitivity. They can recommend a personalized brushing routine with specific toothpaste and mouthwash to fortify the enamel on your teeth and minimize sensitivity going forward.

Maintaining Your Whitening

Maintaining a bright, white smile can be a constant challenge due to factors like dietary choices, lifestyle habits, and the natural effects of aging, which can diminish the luster and strength of your teeth.

Aging and various stains can lead to discoloration over time. Fortunately, Colgate's Optic White Professional service is designed to address these issues effectively. Our teeth whitening service helps remove existing stains and keeps your smile looking its best. Our dentists will also provide guidance on preserving your desired shade through lifestyle adjustments, oral health practices, and ongoing whitening treatments.

Colgate's take-home kit, which includes a precision pen and a high-energy LED DEVICE, can give you dramatically whiter teeth in just five days.

Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening

There are countless benefits to whitening your teeth. While this may be a more “elective” service than a root canal, it still has several perks:

Even Whitening to Your Desired Shade

Achieving a consistent, even shade across all your teeth is crucial for a flawless smile. With Colgate Optic White Professional Whitening, you benefit from precise results that ensure every tooth reaches your desired color evenly. Unlike at-home treatments, which may lead to uneven results or excessive whitening, our professional service guarantees a uniform and natural-looking outcome.

Fast Results

Over-the-counter whitening solutions can take weeks to show noticeable improvements. With Colgate Optic White Professional Whitening, you can see a dramatic difference in your smile in less than an hour. Our advanced whitening system delivers visible results in just one session, making it a quick and effective solution for a brighter smile.

Enhanced Confidence

A bright, white smile can significantly enhance your confidence. Your smile is a key part of your first impression, and with Colgate Optic White Professional Whitening, you can feel proud to show it off. This simple cosmetic treatment not only brightens your teeth but also helps you look more youthful and vibrant, boosting your overall self-assurance.

Frequently Asked Questions

We are more than happy to answer any questions you may have about our teeth whitening service. Contact us today to learn more or schedule an appointment!

There are many reasons why your teeth may be stained or more yellow than you want. Some of these factors may be within your control, while others are not. Things like diet, oral health care practices, genetics, diseases, medication, and so many others can be contributing factors. Here are a couple of the leading lifestyle reasons behind stained/yellow teeth:

  • Poor oral health care
  • Consuming a lot of coffee or red wine
  • Using tobacco or smoking often
  • Eating colorful foods (berries, tomatoes, juice, sugary drinks, and more)

Unfortunately, results from our teeth whitening service won’t last forever. But there are habits you can incorporate to help extend the life of your teeth whitening results. Practicing good oral hygiene, like brushing, flossing, and using an alcohol-free mouthwash, will help maintain your results and provide additional oral health benefits. Generally, we expect you to continue to see the results anywhere from 3 to 6 months. When you begin to notice stains or yellowing again, it's time to make another whitening appointment.

Not at all! Whitening is generally considered safe, and the perks far outweigh any potential pitfalls. In some cases, whitening can cause sensitivity, but we do everything to ensure this doesn’t happen. We can also recommend toothpaste that can minimize this. Our dentists are trained and experienced and will do everything they can to ensure you don’t experience any adverse side effects. If you have any concerns, we are happy to address those.

Our professional-grade whitening solution won’t change the color of your crown, veneer, or filling. The makeup of your natural enamel and the filling, crown, or veneer is very different. Our whitening solution is created to whiten your natural enamel and not change the appearance of the filling, veneer, or crown. If you have concerns with how these look, be sure to ask us about your options at your next appointment.

The cost of our teeth whitening service depends on how many rounds of treatment you will need to attain your desired shade. When you come into our office and we get a close-up look at your smile, we can give you an accurate estimate. Contact us today to set up your consultation!

Schedule an Appointment Today

Contact Family Dental Health to learn more about our teeth whitening services or schedule an appointment.